02/20/2017.Congratulations! Wenzao’s Outstanding Academic Achievements Recognized in 2017 Surveys
發布日期 2017-02-20 00:00:00
Wenzao’s Outstanding Academic
Recognized in 2017 Surveys
Cheers Magazine: 2016 Best Universities/Colleges in Taiwan
World vision and foreign language proficiency:1st place among technological and vocational colleges and universities

The most valued universities by employers:Ranked in 1st place among technological and vocational colleges and universities in Kaohsiung & Pingtung Areas
Feb. 20, 2017
Congratulations! Wenzao’s Outstanding Academic Achievements Recognized in 2017 Surveys Cheers Magazine: 2016 Best Universities/Colleges in Taiwan World vision and foreign language proficiency:1st place among technological and vocational colleges and universities The most popular schools for enterprises:2rd place among private technological and vocational colleges and universities in Southern Taiwan No. of outbound exchange students:1st place among national and private universities/colleges in Southern Taiwan No. of inbound exchange students:3rd place among private technological and vocational colleges and universities Global Views Monthly:2016 Best Universities/Colleges in Taiwan Ranked in 1st place in Foreign Languages & Communications Categories among national colleges/universities Ranked in 2nd place the most popular schools by enterprises among private technological and vocational colleges and universities in Southern Taiwan Global Views Monthly:2016 University Rankings Ranked Top 40 among national and private universities/colleges Ranked in 1st Place among private technological and vocational universities/colleges Internationalization Indicators:Ranked Top 5 among national and private universities/colleges 1111 Job Bank : 2016 Most Popular Universities in Taiwan for Enterprises The most valued universities by employers:Ranked in 1st place among technological and vocational colleges and universities in Kaohsiung & Pingtung Areas ※ Historic Ranking→ ◎ Ranking of Year 2016 ◎ Ranking of Year 2015 ◎ Ranking of Year 2014 點閱人次: Feb. 20, 2017