Library Director Hui-mei Wang (the second from the right) of Goethe-Institut Taipei donates 245 German books on behalf of the institute to the library of Wenzao. Vice President for Academic Affairs Jian-shiung Shie (the second from the left) presents her with a certificate of appreciation in return. Dean Shoou-huey Chang (the first from the right) of the College of European and Asian Languages and Library Director Chia-ying Chen (the first from the left) also participate in the book donation ceremony.
Photo taken by Yang-sheng Lin
【News release: Library】
The library of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages held a ceremony in recognition of the book donation by Goethe-Institut Taipei. In the event, Library Director Hui-mei Wang of Goethe-Institut Taipei donated on behalf of the institute 245 German books to the library of Wenzao. In return, Vice President for Academic Affairs Jian-shiung Shie presented her with a certificate of appreciation, a pennant, and mementos. After the ceremony, Director Wang delivered a keynote speech titled “the library and daily life.”
In her speech, Director Wang said that to the Germans, that libraries are like the backyards of their houses in a sense. They are more like venues for all to learn and meet up in daily life than merely places for borrowing and returning books. Hence, in Germany, it is common for community-based libraries to hold events like concerts and sleepovers which are open to the public, making them rather different from traditional libraries in other parts of the world.
Director Wang shared with faculty and students in the ceremony one of the latest models of interaction between writers and readers. For instance, Goethe-Institut Taipei initiated an online writing project last year, through which they invited writer Tilman Rammstedt to set up a blog and write a two-page article for the blog every day. Readers from other countries, including 21 subscribers from Taiwan, were allowed to read the writing and give their feedbacks. In the wake of the four-month project, Morgen Mehr was born. Within a year following its publication, the first overseas translation of the German novel was published by Taiwan as one of the achievements of the online writing project.
Director Wang also took this opportunity to introduce the ÜBERSETZUNGSFÖRDERUNG (translation promotion) program of the institute. As an important tool for the implementation of the German government’s cultural exchange and education policies, the program aims to sponsor the overseas publishers’ translation and publication of German books, in order to help promote important science works, outstanding pure literature, young-adult literature, and general publications written in German to readers in non-German-speaking regions. For instance, the translation of Die deutsche Seele, which is one of the best-sellers in Taiwan, was published through the sponsorship of the program. Written with a critical thinking perspective and passionate style, the book leads its readers to explore the profoundest layer of the German culture. Whether in its topics, scale, or format, the writing of the book is arguably an unprecedented undertaking in the German publication industry. Director Wang encouraged Wenzao students to join the translation of foreign language publications.
Dean Shoou-huey Chang of the College of European and Asian Languages said that the acquisition of a language helps open up a new world, and the association with a good friend leads to a diversity of relations. According to Dean Chang, she and Director Wang were university classmates, and have since maintained their friendship, which has in turn helped to maintain the relationship between Wenzao and the institute. Dean Chang encouraged students in the ceremony to cherish their relationships with their classmates, which may evolve into partnerships at work after graduation.
Library Director Chia-ying Chen of Wenzao said that the school organized an exhibition called “Next Stop: Wenzao” at the hall of the first floor of the library in honor of the book donation by Goethe-Institut Taipei. The exhibition attracted many students to borrow the latest German books they are interested in to gain a deeper understanding of the rich and unique culture of Germany.
Photos provided by the library


Vice President for Academic Affairs Jian-shiung Shie (left) receives on behalf
of the school books donated by Goethe-Institut Taipei.
Photo taken by Yang-sheng Lin
Lin Library Director Hui-mei Wang of Goethe-Institut Taipei
delivers a keynote speech titled “library and daily life.”
Photo taken by Yang-sheng Lin


Library Director Chia-ying Chen of Wenzao gives her remarks.
Photo taken by Yang-sheng Lin
Students flip through and borrow with joy the books donated by Goethe-Institute Taipei.
Photo taken by Yang-sheng Lin